Professor's Ultra Flush

Mineral Flush and Nutrient Lockout treatment. The ultimate solution for removing excess salt build up, correcting nutrient lockout and enhancing your harvest quality.

In hydroponics, excess salts can lead to a significant challenge known as nutrient lockout, hindering nutrient absorption. Ultra Flush is designed to combat this issue and elevate the quality harvest.

  • Removes excess salts which can cause nutrient lockout.
  • Reduces salt build-up, creating an optimal environment for healthy plant growth.

Ultra Flush 1 Litre

Professor's Nutrients
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Ultra Flush 1 Litre

Ultra Flush 5 Litre

Professor's Nutrients
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Ultra Flush 5 Litre

Ultra Flush 10 Litre

Professor's Nutrients
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Ultra Flush 10 Litre

Ultra Flush 20 Litre

Professor's Nutrients
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Ultra Flush 20 Litre